
Safetypin Anarchy

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sAfetypinAnarchy's avatar

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To me, Safetypin Anarchy describes those of us leading normal successful lives, while carrying our punk or ska lifestyle in our back pocket and fight the mainstream from the inside. We do not waste our lives in useless rebellion, but sacrifice extroverted self-expressionism to do what those who refuse will not. We take our struggle to work, into the corporate offices, through the subways and the streets, passing our unknowing brothren and longing for the sense of community their studded vests and mohawks once held for us. But instead of stopping, we persevere, and proudly wear our checkered ties and fishnets to work, braving the struggle of the average man and laughing in the faces of suits and ties when they realize that our hard earned pay checks will be the foundation of their demise. No one knows that we are here. No one knows or understands our philosophy. No one knows that we are fighting. But we fight hard, giving up the lead pipes and chains of yesterday and taking up the battle that they can understand. They remain unwaivering, standing tall against the futile protests of the people, like gods watching from their safe, gated neighborhoods. They do not understand compassion or grief or the cost of a petty dollar earned by the blood of a people they cannot see. They only understand legislation and control. We must learn to understand that if we cannot win on our battlefields, we must travel to theirs. Anarchy cannot be born of itself, transcendentalism cannot be born of ignorance or violence. To rid ourselves of the underhanded, unjust society that well all despise we must attack from the inside. We are not disenfranchised, as we would have ourselves believe, because as long as we have to right to fight against the reality they have handed down to use without our consent or acknowledgement, we have a chance. We are not hopeless, we are strong. They do not suspect us, they are not prepared for us, and when we do come, we will prevail.
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menapia's avatar
Same attitude as in Percy Byshe Shelly's poem "The Mask of Anarchy" - "Ye are many they are few" the great anarchist poem and also Mahatma Gandhi's favourite poem.